Respiratory & Excretory Systems

Respiratory & Excretory Systems Exam - Thursday 1/9/14
  • Respiratory System
    • Function of respiratory system
    • Pathway that air travels during inhalation & exhalation
    • Function of cilia & mucus in upper airway
    • Be able to identify organs of the respiratory system in a diagram
    • Mechanism of breathing
      • what happens to the diaphragm, ribs, volume & pressure during inhalation
      • what happens to the diaphragm, ribs, volume & pressure during exhalation?
    • Lab: Effect of Temperature on Respiration Rate of Fish
      • relationship between temperature and respiration rate
    • Respiratory System Disorders - Know the description of:
      • Asthma
      • Pneumonia
      • Emphysema
      • Lung Cancer
  • Excretory System
    • Function of the excretory system
    • Kidneys
      • function
      • nephron(filter)
      • substances found in urine
    • Lungs
      • function in excretion system
    • Skin
      • sweat gland function
      • substances found in sweat (perspiration)
    • Liver
      • what is broken down to produce urea?
    • Lab: What chemical wastes are removed by the excretory system?
      • What chemical indicators can be used to detect waste materials from the body?
      • What waste products are excreted by the lungs? 
      • What waste products are excreted by the skin?
      • What waste products are excreted by the kidneys?  

Answers to the Respiratory & Excretory Systems Review Sheet

Vocabulary Matching
  1. E
  2. C
  3. A
  4. B
  5. D
  6. I
  7. J
  8. F
  9. G
  10. H
  11. M
  12. O
  13. K
  14. N
  15. L
  16. S
  17. P
  18. T
  19. Q
  20. R
Bell Jar Demo:
Rubber sheeting (diaphragm) is pulled down (contracting or expanding) à balloons (lungs) inflate because pressure decreases and volume increases, forcing air to flow in (inhale)
Rubber sheeting (diaphragm) pushed in (relaxing) à balloons (lungs) deflate because pressure increases, volume decreases and air is forces out (exhale)
Flow Chart of Pathway of Air:
Nasal Cavity -> pharynx (throat) -> trachea -> bronchi -> bronchioles -> alveoli
Function of nasal cavity: moistens, warms, & filters the air
Function of alveoli: exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide with blood (diffusion)

Table of Wastes from Each Organ:
Lungs: water, carbon dioxide
Liver: urea
Skin: water, salt, urea
Kidney: water, salt, urea
Label the Excretory System
  1. Kidney
  2. Ureter
  3. Bladder
  4. Urethra

Answers to the Urine Article & Questions
  1. Yellow-colorless, red tint, reddish-purple, rosy glow, greenish, blue tint, brown, smoky or black
  2. 95% water plus urea, salts, minerals, creatinine, uric acid, hormone remnants, toxins
  3. That's because red blood cells don't last forever.  Worn out cells are processed by the liver and the break down of hemoglobin results in a yellow pigment urochrome.

Answers to the Sweat Article & Questions
  1. In the brain; It controls temperature, sends a message to his sweat glands to start sweating
  2. Sports drinks provide carbohydrates for energy and replace salty substances lost through sweating.
  3. The bacteria on your skin produces the stink from digesting proteins and acids found in sweat
The Science Of Tiny Tim Webquest Links
Diagnosing Tiny Tim:

Tiny Tim's Ailment:

Kidney and Acid Build Up:

Acid-Base Balance:

Your Kidneys:

Help Others:


Respiratory Systems Disorders Webquest Links:

Open Notebook Quiz Wednesday 12/18/13
The following items should be in your notebook for the quiz on Wednesday:
  • Do Nows from Monday 12/9/13-Tuesday 12/17/13 including:
    • Respiration Inhalation/Exhalation Boy worksheet (Tues 12/10 or Mon 12/16)
    • Inhalation/exhalation fill-in worksheet (Thurs. 12/12)
    • "The Respiratory System" Fill in paragraph (Mon. 12/16)
  • Respiratory System Notes
  • "Your Respiratory System" Diagram
  • Textbook HW pg 112-120 questions 1a-c, 2b, 3a
  • "Your Lungs" Diagram
  • "Just Breathe" Worksheet
  • "Breathing Hard" Worksheet
  • Respiratory System Disorders Packet
  • "Breath of Life: Our Respiratory System" Video Worksheet (Tues 12/17)

Answer Key for Textbook HW pg 112-120 questions 1a-c, 2b, 3a:
1a. Gas exchange - oxygen for carbon dioxide and water=
1b. Respiration = making ATP from glucose & oxygen
Breathing = moving air in and out
1c.Cells might not get enough oxygen
2b.Nostrils, pharynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli
3a. oxygen, carbon dioxide and water

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